Friday, January 2, 2009


Stocking is much more physically taxing, than I was expecting. I'm sore from head to toe, and not looking forward to my walking to and from work. The work itself feels fairly rewarding, but the walk home afterwords nearly brought me to tears. My feet were sore, my back was sore, I was so exhausted, I could barely keep my eyes open, and all I could think, was "Oh man, I have to do this again tomorrow (the walking)."

I think I need to find a comfortable way to ride my bike so I can avoid the numbness in my feet, that I felt this morning. The bike I have is slightly too large for me, and I can't comfortably touch the ground with my feet. It's also kind of difficult to get on and off, because my legs aren't all that flexible anymore. So, I walked to work yesterday, and I really wish I'd just braved the bike, which bruises my backside. All I could think, at 7 this morning, was that if I had my bike, I'd be home much faster. It took me almost an hour to walk home (takes me a little less than a half hour to get there, at a leisurely pace), and every step was agonizing.

The actual job, while physically exhausting, isn't too bad. I'm not sure I like the night manager I worked with last night, because she has a permanent sour look, and was expecting me to work alot faster than I'm able to yet. I know I need to be able to work at a certain pace, but it was my FIRST DAY. You can't really expect me to be that fast on my first freaking day.

And then she asked me to stay late. I told her I couldn't, because honestly the last half hour, I was counting the minutes, thanking god, I only had so many minutes left before I could stop. And I would have rested in the break room before walking home, but I didn't want to get nasty looks for being there and not working, since I said I couldn't stay. So, I walked to the end of the parking lot, and sat in front of a donut shop for about 20 minutes, to give my feet a break before the walk home.

Tonight I'll be riding my bike, unless my youngest sister can give me a lift. She has other things to do this evening, but will try and drop me off tonight, if she's still in the neighborhood.

On a positive note, I DID get my two fifteen minute breaks, and I get a whole hour for lunch. And they had cheese and fruit platters for us in the break room, so I nibbled off one of those for lunch.


  1. Poor dear!

    The longer that you do that job, the easier that it will get. Plus, after awhile, your body will feel the impact of walking less. It will get used to it.

    Look on the bright side... You won't need to exercise! :)

  2. First day at a new job is always the hardest. That's been my experience, anyway. Maybe you can alternate days of walking and riding so each part gets a chance to heal?

    Do you remember when you walked halfway across town to get to your old job? It was hard at first, and then you eased into it, and soon you were strong and supple.

    I remember how I felt when I first went mall-walking, back when I was in school. Thought I was going to die! And a few months later, I *ran* down a hill on campus to get something out of my car, and I felt 20 years younger.

    In a few days or weeks, you'll be able to look that night manager in the eye and say, "You need me to work a little longer? Sure, no problem!"

    [More money for yarn, right?]

  3. Yeah at this point I'm alternating walking and riding, but riding home yesterday was SO much easier than walking home, the night before.

    Tonight I'm walking to work, and Jenni will pick me up in the morning, so I can get home early enough to shower before Church.

    And I know it will get easier with time, but I'm having a really hard time wanting to stick this out. I won't quit unless I can find a different job, but it's really hard not to. It's just so draining.


About Me

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I'm Rory or Rorek in most places. I design, sew, and craft, primarily for my Asian Ball-Jointed Dolls. I also dabble in interior design, but I'm a little out of practice.

I post about the things I enjoy, which are sewing, photographing my dolls, designing new outfits, knitting, which I started in September of 2008, thanks to my Mom, and occasionally drawing, or painting.

I also post about Life Events and how they affect me and those that I love.

Currently I am living in DFW, Texas in the USA and working towards a degree in Theology.