Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I am again, gainfully employed!

So that job interview? It was actually at Hobby Lobby. I showed up at JoAnns, to a very confused manager, who wasn't going to look at my application till next week. So then we ran over to Hobby Lobby as quick as we could. My interview went well I guess, but I really wasn't sure, until just a minute ago, when he called me back and offered me the job. I start Monday. I'm still feeling nervous, but hopefully this will work better since I basically already know what I'm doing, I just need a refresher course. I'm hoping the nervousness passes.


  1. Congratulations! This job seems like a much better fit for you. Plus, I LOVE Hobby Lobby (or Holly Lobby as Ren used to call it)

  2. If you are anything like me, your biggest struggle will be not spending your entire paycheck right back in the store. I was terrible when I worked at Casual Corner!


About Me

My photo
I'm Rory or Rorek in most places. I design, sew, and craft, primarily for my Asian Ball-Jointed Dolls. I also dabble in interior design, but I'm a little out of practice.

I post about the things I enjoy, which are sewing, photographing my dolls, designing new outfits, knitting, which I started in September of 2008, thanks to my Mom, and occasionally drawing, or painting.

I also post about Life Events and how they affect me and those that I love.

Currently I am living in DFW, Texas in the USA and working towards a degree in Theology.