Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm a cute little monster!

What Your Cute Monster Says About You

You have enthusiasm for almost everything you do in life. You have a super playful attitude.

You are curious about the world, and you love to learn. You rather figure people out than rush to judge them.

Your inner demon is pride. You can't help but have a big head sometimes.

People think you're cute because you're adventurous. You always bring some fun, which is super charming.

1 comment:

  1. You *are* a cute little monster! One of my five favorites, as a matter of fact. Happy Halloween!


About Me

My photo
I'm Rory or Rorek in most places. I design, sew, and craft, primarily for my Asian Ball-Jointed Dolls. I also dabble in interior design, but I'm a little out of practice.

I post about the things I enjoy, which are sewing, photographing my dolls, designing new outfits, knitting, which I started in September of 2008, thanks to my Mom, and occasionally drawing, or painting.

I also post about Life Events and how they affect me and those that I love.

Currently I am living in DFW, Texas in the USA and working towards a degree in Theology.