Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The plague! We all have the plague!

I'm somewhat more lucid now, than I was this time yesterday. Still feeling a bit off, but the nausea seems to have passed. The sprite did it. I was able to keep down minimal liquids after some sprite.

Now I seem to be trying to drain, which is a mystery since I'm still pretty dehydrated. I'm wondering if mucinex will upset my stomach again, cause I know it will help, but I don't want to backtrack to yesterday.

I noticed when reading through my friendslist entries, that alot of ya'll are sick too. There's some clever computer-virus joke in there somewhere, but hell if I can tell it right. I hope you all feel better soon!

I had several strange fever dreams, and the two that I can remember most clearly make very little sense. The first, I dreamt that ordering my Glati was a huge mistake because he was going to crush my head with his hooves. It seemed a very real threat at the time, and I was a bit terrified.

Then, I dreamed I was turning into a monster made entirely of fat, like the Blob, and that I was going to eat everyone in sight. That dream scared me enough that I stayed awake for several hours, trying to get it out of my head. @_@. Good times.


  1. I think to avoid becoming the blob monsters in your dream we all have to subsist on broccoli and carrots from celery from this point forward. If we don't feed it any real calories it wont get any bigger, right?

  2. That explains why I bought the whole-grain-with-flax, low-sodium English muffins last night. I definitely ate my five recommended servings of fruit and veggies yesterday. Maybe I am coming down with something, too? Glad that you're starting to feel better.


About Me

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I'm Rory or Rorek in most places. I design, sew, and craft, primarily for my Asian Ball-Jointed Dolls. I also dabble in interior design, but I'm a little out of practice.

I post about the things I enjoy, which are sewing, photographing my dolls, designing new outfits, knitting, which I started in September of 2008, thanks to my Mom, and occasionally drawing, or painting.

I also post about Life Events and how they affect me and those that I love.

Currently I am living in DFW, Texas in the USA and working towards a degree in Theology.