So I took my morning meds early for me (4am instead of 5am) and then put together a multipart meal which is usually far too exhausting but with the prednisone is possible for now. I've eaten what I can now (less than half what I prepared) and now I'm sitting and waiting to see if I'm Done or just need a moment to let it settle.
I never would have thought in my teens even though I already had a stress sensitive stomache, that I would ever see eating as exhausting or frustrating because I truly love food. I don't love to cook but thar is because I am prone to dropping things, burning myself, and falling without warning and all of those ate much higher risk with low bloodsugar because of POTS.
That has been exactly my experience the last few years though as diverticulosis has greatly reduced what I can safely eat, and having pre-diabetic bloodsugar numbers for slightly longer has made it challenging to make sure I eat enough to keep meds down but not so much I'm breaking the delicate balance of "abled" energy I have to work with.
I don't wish to be anyone but me, however I do wish there was a proper and permanent cure for some of my illnesses because having fragile guts AND hormone problems AND POTS, EDS, Asthma and more means I am swimming in tiny circles with broken limbs trying not to drown in life.