Apparently the day I chose at random happened to fall on the same day as something called All-Con, which is a general convention for all kinds of stuff. Also, since I planned for a day at the park, in Texas, the weather didn't cooperate. Instead of a mild day with sun, it was cold and wet. Not actually raining, but wet and muddy cause it HAD been raining for three or four days.
So, once we realized it was just us, we decided to take our meetup to the Cheesecake Factory at the Parks Mall, since Mom ran into a meetup there last summer, and it seemed as good a place as any. We enjoyed a delicious meal, our waiter was very pleasant, and we gots lots of nice questions about the dolls. Apparently some of the stuff speculated that we were spies from Chili's and the dolls had cameras in their eyes. Strange theories indeed.
Mom ducked out after lunch (thanks for coming!), because she had other things to do for the day, and the rest of us wandered the mall a bit, ducking into stores at our leisure and just plain having fun. Mom and others seem to think the mall is a dank place of evil, where if you linger for more than a few minutes, you will spontaneously combust, or become like the tweens that litter it. I, and Nekokoi, think it's a conveniantly placed collection of stores that are pleasant to browse and shop at. :B
While we were there, I found this beanie at Hot Topic, and got it. It's the exact design of the dinosaur suspenders I wanted but never found after that one time. I didn't want to pass it up again, and I do need a beanie for when it gets chilly, since I've not knit one yet. Also it was marked down, and I happened to have just enough to get it. Voila.
We had fun, and I'm hoping to plan another meetup within city limits and actually get some people I don't know to show up this time. XD Maybe I can coordinate something for next month.
In this TX weather a hat will be more useful than suspenders anyway.