I forgot to take my camera with me, to my youngest niece's Birthday party today, but Bonnie let me use her camera, and I think I got alot of really good shots with hers. We'll see which shots Bonnie liked best, whenever she posts those pics on her blog.
Anyway, here's Christmas!
Jenni, and Ash, with my youngest niece, who is opening a Christmas gift from them.
Rose, assembling a lego set for, youngest niece, and Bonnie, and Dad.
This was the best shot I got of Dad. He looks like Santa again, what with growing a beard again. Dad's had a beard like this, for half of my lifetime, that I can remember.
The Elders, from Bonnie's ward, with my nephew. Little man was running all over the place, all smiles, from what I can remember.
Jenni and Little man. :] This was the best shot I got of both of them.
Jenni, Ash, the Elders, and Rose! Rose's foot is in a boot, cause she slipped in mud.
Rose, and me. This was the only good photo I got of me. XD
Me, and Nakuru. Naku is a mutual friend of mine, and Neko. This was from after Christmas at Bonnie's, when I headed to visit Neko and her fiance Jonathon. It's not a very good photo of me, but the only photographic evidence I have that we are friends. XD
And while I didn't get like, a large number of gifts, that's always fine by me, because the things I do get, are always nice. I got these stitch markers, from one of the lovely ladies from Knit Night, Monica. They're turquoise and brass-ish. Beautiful colors, and you can tell she paid attention to the colors and style that I like. Thank you again Monica!
I got this snowman mug, matching mini picture frame, and hot chocolate, from my niece, Ash's maternal grandmother Sue. Sue's a sweetheart, and I'm glad to get to see her when she's around. She sometimes plays taxi for her granddaughter, and we get to chat a bit, every now and again.
And, my biggest and most exciting Christmas gift, the entire Batman Animated Series, complete with an artbook, with original sketches, custom panels, concept art etc. @_@ GORGEOUS. BEST CHRISTMAS EVER.
This was the best Christmas I've had, in a very long time. :] Thanks for making it awesome, everyone!
And, I slept over at Mom's after all the Christmas mingling, and we knit the next morning (which happens to be Rose's birthday!). I finished up the blue doll blanket I've been working on.
I also started this! It's this Brainmonster hat, and I'm making it for Chris. I'm working on the ribbing portion of the hat.
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